Content Gurus / 360° Google Streetview Tours / Craig Walters

Craig Walters

I am a Google Street View Trusted Photographer, and Google Local Guide. I run a guesthouse myself, so understand many of the specific issues relating to hospitality and marketing, as well channel management and related problems. I work with Springnest and Nightsbridge, who are indispensable to running a hospitality business in SA in this day and age.

Specializing in Virtual Tours and Google related marketing, I can bring Google Street View into your business, and your guests can explore your space almost in person.

Utilising Google My Business we can make sure that not only is your place front page in search results, but that your tour and the pics that you want are the ones potential clients see. Working with Springnest makes it possible to add virtual content directly to your website, along with Nightsbridge integration.

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